Bill Kliewer

“Help donors increase their joy in giving so that charities can do what they do best.” ~Bill Kliewer Chairman & Co-Founder Viewspark

Ann Vazquez

“Be the hands and feet of Christ and make the world a slightly better place because I was a part of it.” ~Ann L. Vazquez President & CEO Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis

Shammarie Wilson

“The world needs me to lead with passion, love for my community, and exercising of empathy. To first listen critically- seeking understanding before responding with raw reaction. The world most needs me to be a bridge to help bring unity in the midst of historic...

Dave Smith

“The world needs Christ… so they would need me to be best example of His love and truth so they have the opportunity to be drawn closer to Christ.” ~Dave Smith President & CEO Kusel Equipment Co,

Heath Stukenholts

“Building a new school in urban and rural areas is transformative. Teachers and students alike appear to have new life breathed into them when they begin working within an environment that’s conducive to their specific needs. It is extremely enlightening and rewarding...

Kn Moy

“What the world needs me most to do is to use all the gifts, education, connections, and resources that God has placed at my disposal to forever change the world of those who serve others.” ~Kn Moy Founder/Senior Fellow for Philanthropy Innovation DXM...