Completely Random

Connecting via Question of the Year

What does it look like when you do what the world most needs you to do? What is the best self you bring to your work?

Every day we ask these kinds of questions. Here are a few of the best answers we have heard.

Jeff Rogers

“Ephesians 2:10; simply, finding identity in Christ and THEN, to be authentic to just that. In my case, that’s the marketplace with the objective to be developing 50 emerging leaders in five companies.”

~Jeff Rogers
Founder, One Accord

Jon B. Olson

“Perhaps the question really for me is “what does God want me to do in the world today?”.For me it’s the First Commandment to love our God above all else and to love each other in the same way.  The task is to carry that message again (and again) to the world through whatever my strengths and condition allow. Perhaps the work I am doing speaking to the stewardship of God’s creation through deepening the understanding of the role gratitude and grace play in our lives world wide.”
~Jon B. Olson
Owner, Jon B. Olson & Associates

Michael Friedline

“The world most needs me to cultivate caring/encouraging/compassionate/helpful relationships with those I encounter; to be a force for peace, love, & joy in the lives of others.  In that context. My passion and commitment to SOCIAL JUSTICE is stronger than ever. I still want to make things happen on the policy/political level that offer more opportunities to those among us who have less (materially, educationally, mentally, emotionally, racially, etc…) to get a more equitable share of our national pie. I still want to protest greed and unjust power. But, more and more, I feel my greatest impact will be on individuals not social systems.”
~Michael Friedline
  Principal Consultant

Philip Henselin

“My first thought was compassion. My second, leadership. But in my role, one isn’t much good without the other. Compassionate leadership is my answer.”
~Rev. Philip Henselin
Executive Director

When life doesn’t make sense, faith does

In my journey with Jesus these past 3-years, He has asked me to help people who are trying to make sense of things that make no sense.  I find myself as more of a counselor than as a Sales Manager.  In working with staff and families, they are all dealing with things that are hard to grasp and sometimes make no sense.  They are discouraged, disillusioned, and struggling with the question, “where is God in the midst of all of this?”  My personal journey has dealt with me losing my job during the pandemic, our son dealing with addiction, our daughter moving to another state, my sister being assaulted by a neighbor, and my mother’s declining health.  All of that just doesn’t seem to make sense.  In my wrestling and questioning God’s goodness, he asked me to open my eyes to really see the good in my life.  That no matter what I thought I’d seen, HE was so much bigger than what I was fixated on.  I changed my approach  to God with a declaration and affirmation with each and every prayer.  God you are Good!!!  And then HE took me one step further.  That goodness without faithfulness, is sporadic, and you can’t count on someone who is good but doesn’t consistently show up.  When I started to live this statement, my eyes were opened to things that were right in front of me.  After that shift in my heart, HE now brings people who seem to really need to hear that truth.  No matter what, “God is good and faithful.”  I know he has so many other attributes, but right now, this is what the world needs most from me.  To share that with people who are struggling to find good in their situations.  I discovered that when I declared it out loud, and truly believed it, HE opened my eyes to the good that I was missing.

Al Klotsche

The world needs me to stay positive and open to listening to opposing viewpoints for the purpose of finding a middle ground.  Seek first to understand before trying to be understood!
~Al Klotsche

Sam Hamstra

“My little part of the world needs me to be faithful to my calling to help congregations discern the pastors God is preparing for them.”
~Sam Hamstra, Jr.
Executive Search Consultant

Sarah Eschbach

The world needs me to do the best I am able right where I am. My mission/ministry may not be big and grand, but caring for my family, my children, and the people around me can still make a difference. Loving people well, being willing to be vulnerable, being a safe place for the hurting and lost. Those are things I have the ability to do right where I am today and I pray God gives me the grace to glorify Him in everything I do.
~Sarah Eschbach
Marketing Associate
  Warm Beach Camp & Conference Association

Michael Johnson

“What does the world most need me to do? I suppose it would be to connect with my donors that care for our sisters and brothers in the furthest corners of the world, and let them know the impact they can have through their generosity. Especially in a time that we are in right now, where LWR and IMA World Health are perfectly positioned to be a major player in limiting the outbreak of Covid-19 in Africa, and create the health care systems to care for those that are infected. I feel fortunate to be perfectly positioned as I am.”

~Michael Johnson
Donor Advisor / Regional Representative
Lutheran World Relief

Gary Hubbell

  • Love my neighbor. Exhibit true compassion
  • Be curious. Seek to understand – get to Why
  • Serve – with no expectation other than acting to benefit others
  • And finally, embrace discomfort, wherein lies my learning opportunity
    Gary Hubbell
    Gary Hubbell Consulting

Bill Kliewer

“Help donors increase their joy in giving so that charities can do what they do best.”

~Bill Kliewer
Chairman & Co-Founder

Shammarie Wilson

“The world needs me to lead with passion, love for my community, and exercising of empathy.
To first listen critically- seeking understanding before responding with raw reaction.
The world most needs me to be a bridge to help bring unity in the midst of historic division, and strive to be consistent in these ideals daily.”
~Shammarie Wilson
Service Delivery Manager
CTO Service Delivery

Dave Smith

“The world needs Christ… so they would need me to be best example of His love and truth so they have the opportunity to be drawn closer to Christ.”
~Dave Smith
President & CEO
Kusel Equipment Co,

Heath Stukenholts

“Building a new school in urban and rural areas is transformative. Teachers and students alike appear to have new life breathed into them when they begin working within an environment that’s conducive to their specific needs. It is extremely enlightening and rewarding to see this happen, knowing we played a role in making it possible.”

~Heath Stukenholts
Director of Business Development
Hausmann Construction

Kn Moy

“What the world needs me most to do is to use all the gifts, education, connections, and resources that God has placed at my disposal to forever change the world of those who serve others.”

~Kn Moy
Founder/Senior Fellow for Philanthropy Innovation
DXM Institute

“What the world most needs me to do is to shed light on the gross educational injustices across racial and socioeconomic lines in our city and country and to work tirelessly to help resolve them.”
~Henry Tyson
Superintendent, St. Marcus School

Phil Allen

“What the world most needs me to do is to know the Word of God and live it, bearing good fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe the world needs to see God’s love and the truth of his Word lived out in the lives of believers. Not politics, not a slogan, not an agenda, nor pious platitudes, but humble followers of Jesus who live to serve others and glorify God.”

~Phil Allen

Jeff Kjellberg

“The world needs me to find the places of hope and goodness so that I am better able to share those in return. The world, both in the local sense and the global sense, needs people to exhale more hope and positivity. If all we are doing is taking in the bad, and listening to the negativity around us, all we are really able to do is exhale that same sentiment. If we work to see the good and hope around us we are in a much better place to exhale some of that goodness and hopefulness.”

~Jeff Kjellberg
Owner, Kairos and Associates


“The world needs me to volunteer for more hours to get unregistered voters registered.”

~ Anonymous

Anonymous A

“The world most needs me to follow my passion for writing. I have found the most fulfillment and experienced the most passion when I’ve had the regular opportunity to interview people, capture their stories, and share them with wide and diverse audiences. The world’s under-served and under-privileged can always use more advocates. Advocacy through storytelling is what I hope to do throughout the rest of my career, God willing!”

~ Anonymous

Josh Filo

“I think the world most needs me to motivate. Whether personally or professionally, I see the most common demand around me to be a motivator in relationships. “

~Josh Filo, Head of Business Development, TESCHGlobal

Nancy Leafblad

“I believe the world needs me to listen to stories, carefully and reflectively; and then to help find meaning and purpose from the stories told. This is what the world needs: understanding that comes through truly caring and listening to others who make up this world. I’m told I bring a calmness to circumstances. I’m grateful for that gift and will do so as long as the LORD allows. I think the world needs me to bring that calm, as well.”

-Nancy Leafblad, Pastoral Care Services Coordinator (Chaplain), Mercyhealth Hospital and Trauma Center

Craig McGarry

“My satisfaction in the world comes not from the doing, but from the act of recruiting, mentoring and organizing a group to accomplish amazing results that none of us could have pulled off, by ourselves. I think that it is my highest and best use. I don’t want to be presumptuous but the world needs people focused not just on how to get through challenges, but to inspire a vision of a new way to think about the work and the world on the other side of challenges. Let go of the burden and race on to the new and different future. I’m actually getting paid to have this much fun.”

~Craig McGarry, Executive Vice President, Core Bank

Greg Schmill

“I feel what the world most needs me to do today is that I continue to encourage and provide resources for leaders to take care of themselves spiritually, emotionally, and physically in order to lead and serve others well! We need leaders who “put on their own oxygen mask first” and lead from a solid foundation of health and resiliency. As COVID continues to wreak havoc on individuals spiritually, emotionally, and physically, all (and we are all leaders) need to be proactive in these key areas.”

~Greg Schmill, Ministry Leadership Director, Grace in Action

Kenda Lovecchio

“I am working my hardest to answer how to best serve nonprofits who are forced to pivot their programming due to COVID-19. In this fast-paced, unprecedented time, how can I have the most value add during the unknown? How can I support their efforts rather than resorting to best practices when that might not be the best answer?”

~Kenda Lovecchio, Founder, Kenda Lovecchio Consulting

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