Joyce Wyckoff

“Live what you love…live what I love.” ~Joyce Wycoff Story gatherer and artist

Jon B. Olson

“Perhaps the question really for me is “what does God want me to do in the world today?”.For me it’s the First Commandment to love our God above all else and to love each other in the same way.  The task is to carry that message again (and...

Michael Friedline

“The world most needs me to cultivate caring/encouraging/compassionate/helpful relationships with those I encounter; to be a force for peace, love, & joy in the lives of others.  In that context. My passion and commitment to SOCIAL JUSTICE is stronger than...

John Stanley

“With open hands…be catalytic. Let my fruit grow on other people’s trees.” ~John Stanley Advisor, Game Plan Generosity

Philip Henselin

“My first thought was compassion. My second, leadership. But in my role, one isn’t much good without the other. Compassionate leadership is my answer.” ~Rev. Philip Henselin Executive Director Institutional Ministries

When life doesn’t make sense, faith does

In my journey with Jesus these past 3-years, He has asked me to help people who are trying to make sense of things that make no sense.  I find myself as more of a counselor than as a Sales Manager.  In working with staff and families, they are all dealing with things...