John Stanley

“With open hands…be catalytic. Let my fruit grow on other people’s trees.” ~John Stanley Advisor, Game Plan Generosity

Philip Henselin

“My first thought was compassion. My second, leadership. But in my role, one isn’t much good without the other. Compassionate leadership is my answer.” ~Rev. Philip Henselin Executive Director Institutional Ministries

When life doesn’t make sense, faith does

In my journey with Jesus these past 3-years, He has asked me to help people who are trying to make sense of things that make no sense.  I find myself as more of a counselor than as a Sales Manager.  In working with staff and families, they are all dealing with things...

Al Klotsche

The world needs me to stay positive and open to listening to opposing viewpoints for the purpose of finding a middle ground.  Seek first to understand before trying to be understood! ~Al Klotsche CEO...

Sam Hamstra

“My little part of the world needs me to be faithful to my calling to help congregations discern the pastors God is preparing for them.” ~Sam Hamstra, Jr. Executive Search Consultant

Rebecca Ryan

What the world needs me to do is to help people remember their True Nature, and to be a source of peace and strength for any and all who need it. ~Rebecca Ryan, APF NEXT Generation Consulting, Inc.