Rhonda Plotkin

“To be kind, compassionate and loving. To be there for others when they need an ear, a hug, a smile. To utilize my natural talents and gifts to make my community and world a better place. To be mindful of my weaknesses and work to amend them while letting my...

Jeff Rogers

“Ephesians 2:10; simply, finding identity in Christ and THEN, to be authentic to just that. In my case, that’s the marketplace with the objective to be developing 50 emerging leaders in five companies.” ~Jeff Rogers Founder, One...

Joyce Wyckoff

“Live what you love…live what I love.” ~Joyce Wycoff Story gatherer and artist gratitudemojo.substack.com

Jon B. Olson

“Perhaps the question really for me is “what does God want me to do in the world today?”.For me it’s the First Commandment to love our God above all else and to love each other in the same way.  The task is to carry that message again (and...