In my journey with Jesus these past 3-years, He has asked me to help people who are trying to make sense of things that make no sense.  I find myself as more of a counselor than as a Sales Manager.  In working with staff and families, they are all dealing with things that are hard to grasp and sometimes make no sense.  They are discouraged, disillusioned, and struggling with the question, “where is God in the midst of all of this?”  My personal journey has dealt with me losing my job during the pandemic, our son dealing with addiction, our daughter moving to another state, my sister being assaulted by a neighbor, and my mother’s declining health.  All of that just doesn’t seem to make sense.  In my wrestling and questioning God’s goodness, he asked me to open my eyes to really see the good in my life.  That no matter what I thought I’d seen, HE was so much bigger than what I was fixated on.  I changed my approach  to God with a declaration and affirmation with each and every prayer.  God you are Good!!!  And then HE took me one step further.  That goodness without faithfulness, is sporadic, and you can’t count on someone who is good but doesn’t consistently show up.  When I started to live this statement, my eyes were opened to things that were right in front of me.  After that shift in my heart, HE now brings people who seem to really need to hear that truth.  No matter what, “God is good and faithful.”  I know he has so many other attributes, but right now, this is what the world needs most from me.  To share that with people who are struggling to find good in their situations.  I discovered that when I declared it out loud, and truly believed it, HE opened my eyes to the good that I was missing.